Having A Girls Day Today


Having A Girls Day Today. Dolly and Izzy just came home from studying and Dolly has bad news – her boyfriend just ditched her. After having a small conversation about it with Izzy, it turns out that her boyfriend did the same thing a couple of hours earlier – what a coincidence.

Having A Girls Day Today

Girls gave it some thought because it seems like they are cursed or something. But fuck those boys, they will have a girls day now. So they go upstairs, to the bedroom. They strip those everyday clothes and put only their robes on – so their bodies can get some fresh air. Then, they painting their fingernails and move outside, into the backyard.

At the backyard, they see their young house worker, doing his chores. Izzy throws her panties to him, inviting him to come inside, to have some fun together. He finds his way to their bedroom and sees a wonderful picture – girls are laying there naked, already spreading their legs in front of him…

Having an awesome girls day with a house worker

Date: February 12, 2020

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